350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm trajectory control in radar with synthetic aperture
V.V. Mukhin - Head of Research Division, JSC «Ural Design Bureau «Detail» (Kamensk-Uralskii). E-mail: upkb.nio100@mail.ru
On the basis of the statistical theory of optimal control algorithm is synthesized control lateral acceleration missiles, provides synthetic aperture antenna with a predetermined resolution of the entire trajectory of a missile. In order to determine the characteristics of the control algorithm associated with a complex multi-factorial analysis and the determination of performance indicators Mathematical modeling homing missiles equipped with radar guidance system with synthetic aperture. The results of the simulation and the possibility of providing precision-guided homing SAR. The growth of the expectation value of the slip by increasing the required resolution is determined by the dynamic pointing error due to the inertia of the rocket.
Pages: 27-33


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