350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
An integrating platform for simulation of complex engineering systems
A.V. Goljakov - Software Engineer, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: golyakov.av@gmail.com V.N. Djupin - Research Scientist, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: V.N.Dyupin@itmf.vniief.ru I.V. Evtushenko - Software Engineer, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: ivan_evtushenko@mail.ru I.A. Eliseev - Research Scientist, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: I.A.Eliseev@itmf.vniief.ru A.P. Ermakov - Software Engineer, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: Leha260190@mail.ru P.V. Ermakov - Head of Group, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: p.v.ermakov@vniief.ru K.V. Zadorozhnyj - Senior Research Scientist, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: K.V.Zadorozhnyy@itmf.vniief.ru A.S. Santalov - Senior Research Scientist, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: asantalov@list.ru A.I. Sajfullin - Junior Research Scientist, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. E-mail: aidar@saifoulline.ru
A visualization-integration platform is aimed at the development of different simulation systems on its base to simulate complex engi-neering systems. For example, it could be used to simulate the armed confrontation in air, terrestrial, and maritime domains. The principal feature of the development of such systems is a broad cooperation of investigators and, as a result, a large variety of models. The platform is the environment for the development of software tools supporting distributed simulations, which allows integrating a variety of computer models within a single integrated information-logical space. The platform uniqueness is in its capability to provide the basic functions required for the development of all components for simulation software systems. The basic functional allows developing original data generation means for the simulation test, integrating computer models within a united information space, visualizing and processing results of simulations. Architecturally, such system consists of the three main blocks: PrePostProcessor - a set of software tools for data origination and processing; heterogeneous data storage system; distributed simulation environment. The integrating platform-s PrePostProcessor is a common user interface including: tools for data input/output to/from a simulating system; tools for data origination; tools for the simulation process management; tools for monitoring of the simulation process and hardware loading; tools for visualization and geo-information support, tools for analysis of simulation results. The system-s graphic user interface was developed on the base of the data representation idea according to which data controls the program operation. One and the same data may be represented in different forms - an hierarchy, a list, a table, and a 2D, or a 3D scene. The program controlling data is in the PrePostProcessor\'s configuration files used to set up the system-s form and behavior and represent the original data without changes in the code. Also, the user can operate his (her) own modules developed using the program interface available in the system. The data storage system is for storing heterogeneous data: original data on the simulation objects, geo-information, simulation scenarios, and results of simulations. Besides the common multiple-purpose database, it is possible to use one-s own databases of integrable models having arbitrary structures. The common geoinformational database provides access to the Earth model data, altitude maps, and vector maps, both for PrePostProcessor and computer models. HLA (High Level Architecture) standard forms the basis of the simulation environment architecture. The standard is based on the two principal global requirements: the code interoperability and reuse during the simulation process. If some simulating system is HLA-compatible, then cost and time of its integration with another similar system are acceptable. To disengage developers of computer models from direct calls of HLA functions, the so-called standard federate architecture has been designed. This standard federate provides the integration of computer models with each other during simulations and with PrePostProcessor, both in part of the original user data transfer to computer models and in part of simulation results visualization, runtime control, data communication, and other common functions. Organized in such a way, the standard federate is not aware of which computer model is operated under its control. Flexibility of the visualization-integration platform architecture allows creating integration tools, which are unified as much as possible and allow developing new computer models and integrating/adapting the available ones within a single integrated simulation system.
Pages: 195-200


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