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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Assessment of the adequacy of the results of the simulation model infocommunication network of special purpose
L.V. Vorobev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Academy of Communications. E-mail: LV.Vorobjev@yandex.ru
D.F. Tkachev - adjunct, Military Academy of Communications. E-mail: dimas.portnoy@inbox.ru
Any simulation model designed to replace the original with the studies that directly on the original is impossible or impractical. Obviously, such a replacement is possible, if the model and the original sufficiently similar, or in other words adequate. Adequacy means how accurately the purposes of simulation, obtained on the basis of the constructed model test results reflect the true condition of the original.
Until not proved adequate model a real situation, we cannot say with certainty that it can help get those results that really characterize the functioning of the object.
The results of evaluation of the adequacy of the simulation model infocomm network special is done by comparing the results of queuing systems with waiting, and develop a simulation model.
In the likeness of the analytical simulation model was created, consisting of one switching node and network terminations. To assess the adequacy of the simulation model to define specific input parameters. Evaluation adequacy reduced compared to results with the output of analytical yam(t) and mock yim(t) models the communication network and is determined discrepancy results data. Define the criteria for the quality of the simulation model Qim. For this type of model model is considered adequate if Qim no higher than 5%. Assessing the accuracy of the simulation compared with the results obtained on the analytical model, manufactured by pairwise comparison of the control points.
The calculations results were obtained for different initial data packet arrival and job switching node. The article presents part of the results of the analytical and simulation under different system parameters. The discrepancy between the results in the whole range of investigated values of delay in transmission of packets does not exceed 5% accuracy, which is sufficient for the use of simulation results.
Analysis of the results leads to the conclusion about the adequacy of the developed simulation model of processes occurring in the switching node.
Pages: 186-190
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