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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The device hartmann sensor of wave front with parametric conversion of frequency (wavelength)
G.S. Venevtseva - Design Engineer 2 cat., JSC KBKhA (Voronezh). E-mail: galissim@inbox.ru S.V. Asanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: fhfrfz@yandex.ru
In the process of working off of the lasers radiating in a spectrum of an average infrared range, there is a technical problem of the analysis of wave front of radiation with the big speed and the spatial resolution. Traditional Hartmann sensors with matrix receivers of the infrared range have frequency of shots of an order of tens hertz (individual cases to 120 Hz). But for studying of influence of various factors for laser work it is desirable to have the analyzer of wave front with frequency of shots of an order 20 kHz. The idea of building of the high-speed source consists in parametrical transformation of initial radiation by an ap-conversion method to a visible or near infrared range and its registration with use of a high-speed silicon matrix. Reconstruction of wave front is carried out by results of the measured tilts of wave front which is proportional to size Δх, a measured submatrix of a photo detector. Matrix a photo detector of an average infrared range work at low frequencies of shots that does not allow to observe fast processes. This circumstance creates problems at studying of behaviour of parameters of radiation of lasers of an average infrared range in the course of their working off. At ap-conversion there is an addition of energy of quantum of an accepted signal and quantum of laser radiation of a rating that leads to occurrence of quantum with total frequency. In the given work it is proposed to place a transparent plate for the infrared radiation instead of infrared matrix photo detector, one of which surfaces is matte, and the image of Hartmannogram projected on it to transform by the ap-converter in visible (infrared near) and to design it on a photoreception matrix of the high-speed chamber. According to authors, application of high-speed cameras, such, for example, as Photron FASTCAM SA-Z will allow to create equipment with the parameters close to the wished. The device of Hartmann sensor with parametrical transformation of frequency offered in given work should possess by speed essentially not realized in the regular way that will give the chance to study spatial phase and peak distributions in bunches of lasers of an average infrared range with the high time permission and to define necessity and possibility of their correction. Such source probably to apply in adaptive optical systems of an optical path of lasers, and it can be used as one of its basic elements.
Pages: 129-133


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