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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
CW ballistic radar model for doppler frequency estimation methods comparative analysis in the tasks of artillery shells velocity measurements
D.А. Korotkov - Head of Bureau, LLC «LEMZ-T» (Tomsk). E-mail: korotkovdmit@gmail.com
Е.I. Mayrova - Engineer 1 cat., LLC «LEMZ-T» (Tomsk). E-mail: shklyar.e.i@mail.ru
Artillery allows to obtain a great advantage on the battlefield, these tools can produce shelling enemy positions being far behind the front line. But in terms of shooting at long distances, which can exceed 50 km or more, there is an points of incidence error position of the projectile. This error can be caused by various factors, such as changes in the properties of the atmosphere, a side wind, the energy difference of powder charge, etc.
For efficient operation of modern artillery is necessary to measure the trajectory of a shell to adjust subsequent shots and aiming guided shells. Optical devices are severely limited and the weather conditions are used mainly for direct fire at relatively short distances. To support measurement of trajectory parameters of artillery shells used CW ballistic radar - doppler radar artillery system, allowing to simultaneously evaluate the speed and azimuth of a few shells. An important factor affecting the performance characteristics, these stations are contained in these algorithms for processing the received signals such as frequency estimation algorithm, azimuth estimation algorithm and others.
In the present paper, we consider a mathematical model of a CW ballistic radar received on the basis of solving the problem of external ballistics and experimental data on the RCS artillery shells. Also presented frequency estimation algorithm of psedosinusoidal signal based on the spectral analysis by Fourier transform.
Pages: 101-107
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