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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Method of control pin-diodes elements of phased antenna array
A.M. Kushtan - Head of Department, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: almaz-mrkam@mail.ru
A.V. Rybin - Head of Scientific Research Department, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: almaz-raw@mail.ru
I.R. Shiyafetdinov - Head of Sector, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: svildar@mail.ru
Method of control the 4th digit pin-diodes phase shifter is considered in present article. The 4th digit pin-diode phase shifter consists of 10 pin-diodes.
Method consists in the control on limiting values of voltage in the pin-diode. Microcontroller analyzes value of voltage of closed condition if the pin-diode, then it analyzes value of voltage of he open conduction of the pin-diode. Total result of control is defined on set of results. If voltage corresponds to admissible values a control path the pin-diode and the pin-diode are considered as the serviceable. If this condition is not carried out, the control path and the pin-diode are considered as the faulty.
Pages: 76-80
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