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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Numerical simulation of liquid cooling system the collector of the output amplifier of the transmitting device
A.J. Vasin - Engineer 3 cat., JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: alinaaa@gmail.com A.N. Albutov - Head of Sector, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: forozzo@front.ru A.S. Shkurova - Engineer 3 cat., JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: lonelywolf91@mail.ru
Broadband klystrons with a power consumption up to 50 kW are used in modern transmitting devices as output amplifiers microwave stake-oscillations. The main part of the power consumption (up to 80%) is converted to the collector klystron in the heat conducted by the liquid cooling system (LCS). Thermal mode of the collector klystron significantly affects the reliability and durability of the klystron. For a given design LCS collector thermal regime depends on the values of power density on current-perceive and coolant flow rate. The determination of thermal mode for power ratings from 30 to 50 kW (power density from 106 to 177 W/cm2) and the chilled coolant flow rate from 50 to 80 l/min, taking into account-including the geometry of the flow cavity was performed using numerical simulation in AN-SYS/CFX. Built the model solves the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations that describe viscous laminar-turbulent flow of liquids and gases, based on the finite volume method. To in-crease the accuracy of calculation was used numerical higher-order scheme (double precision) turbulence model SST (Shear Stress Transport). Incompressible fluid was considered as a single phase with an average initial level of turbulence is not more than 5%. The calculations were performed in the inpatient setting until it reaches the root mean square of the residual of 10-4. The power emitted from the electron wondered how evenly distributed the power density current-perceive surface. In the numerical simulation fields of temperature, pressure and speed, as well as paintings of streamlines for 20 different initial con-ditions was defined. The calculated numerical values of the maximum temperature current-perceive surface collector, pressure loss, and changes in temperature of the coolant (antifreeze) after passing through the flow cavity. Results and dependencies are not inconsistent with the analytical calculations. The proposed model parameterization parameters can be successfully used for design and analysis LCS collectors existing and prospective klystrons.
Pages: 40-44


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