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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The use of radar for solving the problem of discrimination complex active decoys
K.Yu. Sergunov - Head of Sector, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: kproject@inbox.ru P.A. Gritsyk - Head of Department, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: funt@inbox.ru
Given that the interception of targets is carried out at extreme speeds Surface-to-air missile (SAM) under the conditions of its energy deficit, it is imperative to conduct selection on exoatmospheric flight segment, or portion of a rarefied atmosphere that creates some leeway to organize shelling targets. However, this is the most difficult part of the trajectory for solving problems of selection. The ob-servation conditions are challenging goals that we have to take into account the possibility of hundreds and sometimes thousands of decoys, cover up the true purpose. Feature radar when observing objects at long range is to limit the practically achievable spatial resolution. Thus, the use of radar stations in solving the problem involves the selection of objectives: availability of estimates of the state vector of the observed targets for each time point; signs and criteria for solving the problem of selection. With the development of microelectronics and digital radio frequency technology [1,2] SAP modern radar signal relay and can have a radar picture is so similar to the TT that produce selektirovanie very difficult. Interference repeater generate coherent signals, trying to imitate the amplitude, frequency and temporal characteristics of TT [3]. In addition, these SAP [4] are able to create stable phantom trajectory. We propose an algorithm for FT extraterrestrial selection based on information received from the radar tracking data. A model esti-mating signs of selection media. Just designed and implemented the mathematical apparatus decision to target identification as false. The most successful feature selection procedure for the purposes of an estimate of the total mechanical energy. Proposed and simulated target identification criterion as false.
Pages: 16-22


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