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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Application non-revers scheme in the thermostabilization system of transmitter of a multifunctional radar
A.N. Albutov - Head of Sector, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: forozzo@front.ru
In the modern transmitter devices the thermostabilization system is one of the most important parts. The multifunctional radar (MFR) reliability and efficiency depend on it.
Thermostabilization system of the transmitter used traditionally to be built according to the reverse functional hydraulic scheme. It means that changing of flow direction of cooling liquid in the thermostabilization system is needed for filling and emptying of the thermostabilization system with cooling liquid. The main drawback in this concept is coming of great number of pollution particles into the centrifugal pump from the mesh filter while reverse of liquid in the hydraulic system. Hence centrifugal pump is overloaded, what leads to reducing of his reliability and life cycle.
We suggest a new functional hydraulic scheme without reverse of liquid. It provides filling and emptying of the hydraulic system into receiver without changing of flow direction. Developing of non-reverse scheme is provided by of changing position and connection of two and three-outlet ball-valve in the hydraulic system. The thermostabilization system has three working modes (filling, emptying, and operation) and doesn\'t need external devices for emptying and filling.
New thermostabilization system is answered actual demands of this system group and exceeds the analogs on technical characteristics.
Pages: 8-11
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