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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Systems of adaptive phase lock loops and estimating non-energy signal parameters
determination of frequency and signal phase
digital systems of phase-locked loops
adaptive Kalman filters
D.M. Zhodzishsky - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: DZhodzishsky@topcon.com
M.I. Zhodzishsky - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: MZhodzishsky@topcon.com
A system consisting of a PLL and an estimation block (EB) for estimating non-energy parameters of carrier signal (NEPCS) is described. Recurrent equations of a standard non-adaptive PLL-EB system of the third order are given and its operational principle is explained.
It is said that the average frequency of NCO (numeral control oscillator) at the i-th control period shall be set equal to an optimal prediction of the average signal phase, and instantaneous NCO phase at the beginning of the i-th control period shall be set such that it would provide the equality of the average NCO phase at the i-th period to the optimal prediction of the average phase of the signal. Further, there are given main stages of synthesis for a Kalman filter for obtaining NEPCS estimates. Based on the synthesized KF and the expressions for setting NCO frequency and phase, user-friendly recurrent equations for PLL and EB are given. Equations for a simplified PLL-EB system are also given which can follow from a non-adaptive system by a simple substitution of constant filter coefficients by variable ones.
A eurythmic mechanism of adapting the obtained systems allowing changes in filter coefficients depending on dynamics has been also considered.
Statistical characteristics of the considered systems in the process of simulation have been given for two cases: when dynamics is available/unavailable.
Pages: 56-63
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