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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Method of monopulse measurement of radial speed of objects in radar system with linearly - frequency modulated signals
S.F. Boev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), General Director, JSC «Radio Engineering Institute»
I.V. Chebotar - Ph.D. (Eng.)
P.N. Khazov - Senior Research Scientist
I.O. Sharapov - Adjunct, Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Antiaircraft Defense
The main lack of the majority of known methods of measurement of radial speed of object and the radar systems realizing them with linearly - frequency modulated signals is lack of possibility of monopulse measurement of radial speed of object along with determination of range to it.
The purpose of work is providing the radar system with opportunity a monopulse of measurement of radial speed of object along with determination of range to it, due to calculation of a difference of speeds of change of frequency of the probing and reflected linearly - frequency modulated of radio impulses.
Pages: 48-50
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