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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Estimation frequency spatially spaced clocks based carrier phase measurements GNSS
А.S. Tolstikov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Time and Frequency Service SNIIM, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk). E-mail: tolstikov@mail.ksn.ru
А.А. Karaush - Research Scientist, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk). E-mail: karaush.a@mail.ru
E.А.Khanikova - Research Scientist, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk). E-mail: hanikovak@mail.ru
Currently, researchers' attention is directed mainly at evaluating differences of time scales of hours spatially separated based on the use of satellite navigation technologies. However, there are a number of tasks for which you want to evaluate the difference in fre- quency generators spatially separated hours. This problem of estimating frequency standards composed bezzaprosnyh measuring stations used to generate ephemeris-time support GLONASS; transmission standard reference for developers of highly stable fre- quency clock; construction of mathematical models of instabilities generators that take into account the influence of relativistic effects on the change in frequency.
In the methodical plan evaluation frequency generators spatially separated hours according to satellite measurements describe the trajectory easier than comparing time scales of hours. In this case no problem of disambiguation involved for these purposes.
The metrological point of the State service of time and frequency of FSUE «SNIIM» developed a method of assessment in the State standard frequency VET 1-19 remote frequency standard.
Pages: 82-84
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