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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of multi-target tracking of radio emission sources from the mobile vehicle
V.I. Merkulov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Designer of JSC "Concern "VEGA"
A.G. Teterukov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory of JSC "Concern "VEGA"
V.B. Grebennikov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist of JSC "Concern "VEGA"
Existence of numerous radio emission sources (RES), used by military information-management systems as a various information sensors predetermines necessity of RES continuous monitoring. For the problem solving the estimates of RES state vectors used for their simultaneous tracking are necessary. The process of numerous RES simultaneous tracking named as multi-target tracking (MTT) includes a RES phase trajectories beginning, identification of signals parameters - estimations, RES state vector-s components (SVC) extrapolation and correction of extrapolation-s results. The purpose of the present work is development of one of the most simple algorithms of multi-target tracking of stationary (slow moving) RES from mobile vehicle based on the strobe identification of parameters - estimations of received signals, their semi-digital α, β - filtering and phase trajectory beginning by criterion «3 of 3». As a result of this work the algorithm of RES multi-target tracking from the mobile vehicle including is offered. It includes following components: 1) the formulas necessary for definition of identification strobes sizes; 2) RES phase trajectories beginning algorithm; 3) SVC extrapolation algorithm; 4) algorithm of correction of the extrapolated SVC values. The offered algorithm of multi-target tracking is versatile, simple in technical realization and does not show high requirements to computing resources. The literature list contains 8 names.
Pages: 14-17

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