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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Estimating the number of elements of the gas-discharge indicator lit at their parallel excitation
A.N. Shesterkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Chair of "Computing and Applied Mathematics", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: neon60@inbox.ru
Calculation of reliability indices of actuated parallel matrix display discharge indicators (Plasma Display Panel - PDP) analytical methods or methods of statistical modeling is used in cases when excited by a few elements. If several dozen excited, and even more hundreds of display elements, such methods become uncomfortable not only because of the problems of finding a solution, but the difficulty of analysis results and therefore during engineering studies such methods hardly applicable. At the same time, for the researcher, in some cases only need to know how the change in time numerical characteristics collectively excited display elements, in particular, the mean and variance of the number of ignited items. To find these values using the method of dynamics of average. The expectation and variance of the number of elements determined by decisions of differential equations written on the basis of the graph which characterizes the ignition process of the display elements. Found that the average number of elements sunburnt during excitation increases exponentially, and at long connecting all the elements for the excited light. Got expression for the average number of lighted elements different from the probability of ignition of one element excited by parallel elements. The formula for determining the variance of the mean number of lighted display elements is the product of the number of actuated the probability of ignition and not ignition one element. It has been shown that the quality evaluation of the generated image based on the probability of ignition of the display elements as compared with the average number of elements is ignited more rigid. Authenticity of the results was confirmed by statistical modeling.
Pages: 86-90

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