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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Two-criteria synthesis 16-position radio signals with cross-correlation between in-phase and quadrature components
S.N. Kirillov - Ph. D. (Eng), Professor, Director of Department, Department of Radio Control and Communications, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: kirillov.lab@gmail.com
P.S. Pokrovskij - Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Control and Communications, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: paulps@list.ru
In order to improve the spectral efficiency of data transmission systems carried generalization to 16-position manipulation schemes represent radio signals based on a cross-correlation between the in-phase and quadrature components. For this class of radio signals, analytical expressions for the calculation of the power spectral density, average power, crest factor and immunity are obtained. The synthesized 16-position radio signals within a class with a controlled coupling between in-phase and quadrature components, which allow a wide range varied spectral (occupied bandwidth varies from 1,67 to 1,32) and energy (the amount of peak-factor changes from 1,35 to 1,61) of the radio characteristics at high noise immunity (bit-error probability is provided at a ratio of < 12,5 dB). The analysis results show that the synthesized signals are close in performance to such spectrally efficient types of radio signals as SQAM and FQAM, and in some cases superior. The introduction of the information transmission system of algorithms forming and processing of radio signals based on cross-correlation between the in-phase and quadrature components, will unify two-way transmission paths through the implementation of possible fast and smooth adjustment program modulation schemes. This provides support for the following types of spectrally efficient radio signals: FBPSK, T-OQPSK, FQPSK, GMSK and specially synthesized 16-postion radio signals.
Pages: 18-25


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