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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
High-precision phase measurements in the satellite navigation equipment of the user
I. N. Sushkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Military Training Center, Military Engineering Institute, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: isushkin@sfu-kras.ru
One of the ways to increase efficiency of training of military experts consists in automation and a computerization of processes of training of staff. In armed forces of the foreign states in recent years universal distribution was gained by various exercise machines, simulators and modeling training systems. Computer forms of the preparation, allowing to carry out situation modeling in virtual space, though are rather effective tool, possess also shortcomings which are caused generally by the only factor - lack of real work on military equipment in a field situation. Essential lack of exercise machines, especially room type, is the actual lack of imitation of dynamics of actions of the serviceman and military equipment.
In article the method of a joint filtration of code and phase pseudo-range measured from the navigation GLONASS/GPS spacecraft to the navigation equipment of the consumer is described. The offered method allows to reduce a noise component of definition of spatial orientation of object caused by re-reflection of signals from stationary objects.
Reduction of an error of an assessment of spatial orientation of object is reached by determination of phase ambiguity at a joint filtration of code and phase pseudo-range. Information on a pseudo-range increment on an interval of sampling of the measuring system, received in a contour of tracking a phase of the bearing frequency (an increment of phase pseudo-range) is used at joint filtration in a contour of an assessment of code pseudo-range.
Pages: 57-60
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