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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The methodical approach to solving the problem of transport network structure formation of a special purpose telecommunication system
A. A. Gustov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, OAO «Information telecommunication technologies», St. Petersburg. E-mail: Gaa0915@mail.ru
M. I. Stolyarova - OAO «Scientific research Institute «Rubin», St. Petersburg. E-mail: babkova_m@mail.ru
The task of forming the transport network structure (TNS) occurs at the stage of design (planning) and operational-technical management of communication in a special purpose telecommunication system and is characterized by high dimension, by a presence in it logically independent component parts. In the article it is presented as interrelated sub-problems: TNS synthesis (topological and streaming); TNS reconstruction; estimations of external destabilizing factors (EDF) influence on a TNS; allocations of core and line resources in TNS; estimations of time and material resources, required for the formed TNS realization. It is offered the formal description of each sub-problems and methodical facilities for their decision: at the decision of task of topological TNS synthesis - the modified combinatorial approach using a lower-bound estimate of cost in the presence of limits on structural stability of network; at the decision of task of streaming TNS forming - the model of the base distributing of loadings (resources) on the basis of «gold» proportion; at the decision of task of topological and streaming TNS reconstruction - the optimization method on finite sets; at the estimation of EDF influence on TNS - the method of topological transformation of stochastic networks; at allocation of core and line resources in TNS - methods of multi-parameter optimization, «gold» proportion, approximation with the use of a Pearson distributing family; at the estimation of time and material resources, required for the formed TNS realization - methods of discrete mathematics. It is shown that realization of the offered methodical in the special software of automated communication control systems complexes of facilities of special purpose communications provides TNS forming with the specified characteristics and allows quickly generate variants of its reconstruction in managing the restoration of the transport network functioning.
Pages: 77-80

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