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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Analysis and synthesis of quasicontinuous spectrum signals
radar systems
wideband signals
quasicontinuous energy spectrum
increase of noise-immunity
passive reflections
iteration algorithm
N.E. Bystrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, NII NOVGU, Veliky Novgorod
S.D. Chebotarev - Junior Research Scientist, NII NOVGU, Veliky Novgorod
S.D. Chebotarev - Junior Research Scientist, NII NOVGU, Veliky Novgorod
This article presents an iteration method of synthesis of new type multi-position phase-shift keying signals with quasicontinuous energy spectrum structure. These signals are alternative to widely used type of signals, which are coherent packet of radio pulses with high repetition rate. The main advantage of currently using signals is the ability to detect low power targets. This feature is achieved due to high-quality frequency selection of intense reflections from underlying surface. The most significant drawback of this type of signals is a high degree of ambiguity of the range measurement.
New type of signals allows spectral rejection of reflections from underlying surface while maintaining high resolution and unambiguous measurement of range and Doppler frequency.
Processing results of the linear sum of two signals (differing amplitude, Doppler frequency and time lag) with and without spectral rejection are presented. Obtained results show the efficiency of signals with quasicontinuous energy spectrum application for intense reflections spectral rejection.
Pages: 72-75
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