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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
System of automatic landing UAV
unmanned aerial vehicle
line of descent
azimuth and elevation beacons
measurement error
polarization separation of signals
E. A. Volodin - Head of Department, JSC "MNIRTI"
A. S. Gribanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, MAI, Senior Researcher, JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: gribanov@inbox.ru
A. S. Korenkov - Head of Sector, JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: a.korenkov@mnirti.ru
Yu. V. Nevzorov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Director General of JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: ne_u@telecom.ru
A. S. Gribanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, MAI, Senior Researcher, JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: gribanov@inbox.ru
A. S. Korenkov - Head of Sector, JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: a.korenkov@mnirti.ru
Yu. V. Nevzorov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Director General of JSC "MNIRTI". E-mail: ne_u@telecom.ru
A study of the UAV landing system on the platform equipped with a network of multiposition mm-wavelength radar is conducted. We present the advantages of building a full mesh MPRLS network to implement automatic landing and an algorithm of such a system. The choice of channels for processing the received differential information is justified.
Unmanned aerial vehicle available for automatic landing is used as an Instrument of course glidepath fully meshed network multiposition millimeter radar. This increases the efficiency of determining the parameters of the target, increasing immunity to active and passive noise, reduced power consumption and size of the radar, and makes it possible to work in bad weather conditions.
Pages: 38-42
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