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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Microstrip bandpass filters based on interdigital structures
R.G. Galeev - General Director, JSC «Scientific production enterprise «Radiosvyaz?», Krasnoyarsk. E-mail: krtz@mail.ru
Novel high Q-factor miniature microstrip resonator based on an interdigital structure is described. Constructions of fourth- and sixth-order filters, which fulfilled on a ceramic substrate with ε=80 and alumina substrate with ε=9,8 are presented. The filters have high frequency-selective properties and small dimensions as compared with analog filters. The filter stopband extends up to the frequency that exceeds the passband center frequency by factor of 4. Such a wide high-frequency stopband is due to the lowness of Q-factors of high oscillation mode-s resonances. It is shown that with reducing the spacing between the strips in the interdigital structure, the Q-factors of high resonance modes monotonically fall, whereas the Q-factor of the first (i.e. working) resonance remains unchangeable and high. Investigated constructions of the filter can be used in communications, radiolocation, radio-navigation and in a special radio equipment.
Pages: 38-41
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