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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Research of influence of piezoelectric elements bending as inverted mesa on temperature-frequency characteristics of quartz-crystal resonators
A.O. Lozhnikov - Head of Department, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
T.V. Lozhnikova - Leading Engineer-Chemist, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
Ye.S. Pushkaryova - Engineer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
Requirements of frequency drift within specified temperature interval are often placed to resonators of AT-cut. An angle of the crystal element (CE) cut makes main influence on frequency variation value. It is known as well that bending points spacing of piezoelectric elements (PE) in the header influences on temperature-frequency characteristics. However, influence of bending points spacing of PEs, CEs of which are made as inverted mesa, on temperature-frequency characteristics of quartz-crystal resonators has not been described in literature earlier. Result of experimental work conducted shows that bending points spacing of piezoelectric elements (PE) of AT-cut, CEs of which are made as inverted mesa, makes essential influence on maximal frequency drift within temperature change. Within bending spacing in 0-30˚ range of radial angles relatively to the axis z′ influence of bending on frequency drift within the temperature interval of 30-55˚ is minimal and equal to the cut angle change for 3-5′. For 30-60˚ radial angles temperature sensitivity dramatically increases and is equal to the cut angle change for 5-14′. Within 60-90˚ values of the radial angle of the piezoelectric elements bending frequency drift is equal to increase of the angle cut for 14-14,5′. Comparison of data obtained with theoretical results allows concluding that frequency drift that exceeds the expected one for 10-5 and more is caused by power loads onto PEs. Influence of bending spacing on frequency drift within temperature impact is stipulated with dependence of power sensitivity factor of the PEs of AT-cut on direction relatively to the axis z′. Therefore, within production of quartz-crystal resonators of AT-cut as inverted mesa the piezoelectric elements bending in quartz header shall be made with the angle of 0-30˚ relatively to the axis z′ to minimize the bending influence on frequency drift.
Pages: 48-51
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