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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Analyzer of concentrated noise on the base of signal receiver of oblique sounding
A.A. Vasenina - Research Scientist, Deputy Head of NIL, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: vas.al.an@rambler.ru
In the article efficiency of application of solar activity indices as adapting parameter at ionosphere modeling is estimated. At the first stage research of variability of relative sunspot number (Wolf number) and 10,7 cm solar radio flux during 11-year cycle is conducted. It has been revealed that the statement about equivalence of these two indices does not correspond to truth as the correlation factor only for yearly average data is close to one, and for daily values decreases to 0,76. The algorithm of forecasting the ionospheric critical frequency is provided that corresponds to recommendations of Radiocommunication Sector of International Telecommunication Union. Reasonability of index usage within the model correction is noted. Methods of estimation of the solar activity level according to data of ionospheric vertical sounding and satellite navigation systems are offered. Results of statistical analysis of the presented methods efficiency are provided.
Pages: 31-36
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