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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Model of spatial-temporal shortwave radio line
D.E. Zachateysky - Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
O.V. Saltykov - Engineer-Developer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
A.N. Yuryev - Leading Engineer-Developer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
The model of narrowband multipath shortwave line, that takes into account changes in time of zenith and azimuthal angles of variable paths signal incoming, is presented hereby. The following three variants of its application are considered: 1) wave edge of each path is plane and within the modeled time interval its spatial position (that is determined on the basis of incoming angle values) is not changed. The model is applicable for modeling processes of receipt of short messages in communication systems with phased-array antennas that have 5-100 m distance between AEs; 2) wave edge of each path is plane but angles of incoming of each of the paths creep in random manner. The model is applicable for modeling of radio lines operation at time intervals up to several hours. Distance between the phased-array antenna elements are analogue to the above variant; 3) wave edge of each path differs from plane one and «flexion» of the edge changes through time in random manner. The angles of incoming of each of the paths as in the second variant creep within analyzed time interval in random manner. The model is applicable for communication systems that have antennas reception, distance between these antennas is equal to 20-25 wave lengths or more. In this case signals at antenna elements become uncorrelated, and the term «phased-array antenna» is not generally applied (instead they say about diverted reception). Thus, due to the parameters change the model modifies into Watterson model that is recommended by foreign standards for measuring the probabilistic characteristics of high-speed modems, the model for research of communication systems that include phased-array antennas and the model for reception systems to diverted antennas. The article describes ways of random processes forming that determine time changes of the line model and there are examples of measuring results of bar charts of density functions, autocorrelation functions and spectral power density.
Pages: 14-23
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