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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Improving the efficiency of digital train radio GSM-R
a digital signal
a Gaussian filter
single sideband PSK 180° signal phase shifter at 90 °
the phase shifter reference oscillation
A.A. Volkov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: aavolkov2009@rambler.ru
O.E. Zhuravlev - Post-graduate student «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: super-1990@yandex.ru
V.A. Kuzyukov - Post-graduate student «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: oezhuravlev@mail.ru
The paper proposed a digital train radio replaced by a single-band frequency modulation phase shift keying at 180 °. To do this, a scheme for the formation of such a signal, almost on the same elements, which made GMSK modulator system GSM-R. With this change of radio frequency band is reduced by more than a factor of 2, and also increases energy Immunity 2 times. In this case, a given frequency band GSM-R can be arranged at least two radio channels with greater noise immunity, which to some extent solve the main problem of radio - frequency resource shortage problem. Solved another, less important problem - the formation of the reference oscillation signal on SSB PSK at 180 ° for coherent detection of the signal. The scheme of the detector, and a description of his work. The novelty of both solutions is confirmed and patents for inventions.
Pages: 32-36
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