350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Capabilities of increasing of the optical channel capacity
L.M. Zhuravlyova - Ph.D.(Eng), ass. «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: zhlubov@mail.ru A.V. Novozhilov - Post-graduate student «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: sanyaaleks88@mail.ru A.S. Kruchinin - Post-graduate student «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mails: amori07@mail.ru O.E. Zhuravlyov - Post-graduate student «Radio engineering and telecommunication» MIIT. E-mail: oezhuravlev@mail.ru
The paper considers capabilities for increasing the capacity of fiber-optical communication systems using TDM and WDM technologies. Comparative assessment allows to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the above solutions such as number of channels, length of the amplifier section and bandwidth. Authors concluded that using of these technologies can fully exploit the resources of the optical fiber with the appropriate components.
Pages: 11-16

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