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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The reconfigurable microwave module of the smart skin, based on a microstrip reflectarray with the digital control over existential addressing
I.V. Il-in, A.O. Kasyanov, C.V. Sumatokhin
New class of controllable reflective type antenna arrays is considered. These arrays are executed as integrated chips. The proposed structures are a kind of microstrip diffraction arrays. The microstrip radiators may have an arbitrary shape. Each radiator contains controlled elements (crystal diodes). The array electromagnetic characteristics are varied by changing diodes bias voltages. For the digital control possibility all microstrip radiators are divided into several groups (modules). Each module can be at least at two electromagnetic conditions which are defined by the diodes states (open or closed one). The array controlling is carried out by the microprocessor. The digital array probable states number is proportional to quantity of modules and each module allowable conditions number. This digital diffraction array has a set of microwave radar images. These images changing allow creating so called «intellectual covers». Such covers are capable to adapt for radar-tracking environment.In this paper some numerical results presented prove the possibility of RAA application as smart covers microwave modules. We have fulfilled numerical investigation reflective type antenna with flat reflectors. We have measured scattering parameters of a controllable microstripreflectarrays. These researches can be used to develop antennas with optimum parameters.
Pages: 101-108


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