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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Increase of accuracy of estimation of angular coordinates two-channel peak direction finder in the conditions of uncertainty
N.Ju. Muzychenko, D.A. Tyurin
The problem of joint reception of signals and estimation of existential distribution of objects of telecommunication systems in the conditions of uncertainty peak monopulse antenna system is solved. Reception of signals is provided by the mirror antenna system irradiated with a four-element phased antenna lattice, the monopulse antenna systems created from elements. Nonidentity factors of transfer of reception channels in each plane of the direction finding, caused by installation low-noise amplifiers on an exit of each irradiator, it is compensated by introduction of additional contours of the tracking using as signals of a mismatch a difference of dispersions of noise. As the entrance information used for definition of dispersions of noise, are used periodograms in receiving channels by results of which digital processing with use of the is indistinct-logic approach are allocated noise clusters. Working capacity and efficiency of the developed method are confirmed by results of an experimental research, under identical entrance conditions of the comparison which have shown in relation to object more, than a triple prize on accuracy direction finding. The Scope of the developed method are systems of joint reception of signals and estimation of existential distribution of objects of telecommunication systems on the basis of peak monopulse antenna system.
Pages: 43-47

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