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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Performance analysis of phase lock system in lock-on operation with control loop developed on basis of combined maximum principle
A.A. Kostoglotov, V.A. Maliy, S.N. Priymakov, A.I. Ponkratov, A.V. Chebotarev
This paper proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of a phase-locked loop (PLL) with RC-filter. This method is based on the currently attained the development of a new approach to solving the problem of synthesis of optimal systems - combined maximum principle (CMP) [3-6]. The problem of synthesis of control loop PLL is posed as an optimal control problem. The results of [3-6] show that the optimal solution to the problem of synthesis of the PLL should be sought with the CMP method, and the paper presents the resulting solution, which is characterized by constructibility and ease of implementation. The main purpose of the work - the analysis of quantitative characteristics of the capture of the PLL loop with CMP control loop based on the numerical simulation. In the mathematical modeling the performance of the PLL RC-filter and the proposed system have been compared in the absence of noise and deterministic disturbance. For considered PLL systems the capture time of the initial detuning frequency and phase, the capture process in the phase plane and the time diagram have been represented. The modeling have found that the CMP PLL several times reduces the capture time compared to PLL with RC-filter, provides zero phase error in the synchronization mode and allows to increase the holding range.
Pages: 32-36

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