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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms synthesis for discreet wavelet analysis of image fragments in conditions of apriori uncertainty on the occasional background
S.A. Shvidchenko, D.A. Bezuglov
A new algorithm of marking fragments contour on the occasional background with the use of mathematic apparatus discreet wavelet transformation has been worked out. Mathematic modeling is carried out and suggested algorithms are tested on the series of test images. The analysis of the results of mathematic modeling gives opportunity to come to the following conclusion: the suggested method of image processing can effectively allocate image contours distorted by noise. A new method and algorithms of wavelet image differentiation in background noise using a discreet wavelet transformation can improve the ratio of the peak signal - noise from 4,8 to 9,6 Db to 3-4 Db and reduce the standard deviation error. In this case the wavelet transformation eliminates the use of various masks that is, in fact, abandon the ineffective method of numerical differentiation. On the basis of this method other contour marking algorithms based on the wavelet differentiation with other wavelet bases can be implemented. Thus, the scientific task of new methods of automated analysis of the results measurement development for marking contour fragments in images having noise is solved. The proposed methods and algorithms can be used in developing the systems of signal processing in digital images and automated robots in industry in conditions of observation, which complicates the registration process when there is no apriori information of background noise.
Pages: 31-38


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