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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Analysis modern not scalable video and information systems of collective using
A.A. Kondrashin, A.N. Lyamin, Aung Chzho Tkh
Now for reproduction of an escalating flow of information video information systems of collective using (KP) as without use of the module of transformation of development (without image scaling) ? television displays, projectors, etc. HUNG, and systems with video masshtabator (video skeyler of «video scalers») ? video walls, video cubes, panoramic projectors are used. The carried-out comparative analysis of technical characteristics not the scalable HUNG KP: television displays (LCD, PDP, LCD with Edge LED and OSID (OLED/PLED)) and projective systems (the multimedia projectors using various technologies 3LCD, 1DLP, 1DLP with LED (RGB), with LED illumination, 3DLP, 1DLP with laser and LED illumination and projective television displays (PTVD) (the return pup-projection)) and LPD-of projectors allowed to draw the following conclusions: - all these not scaled systems don\'t demand considerable costs of their installation and operation that allows to use quickly them as systems of visualization and information duplication at the same time in several points of access; - when comparing opportunities of use of television displays (including projective) with projectors it is shown that in each case the choice like system depends on number of users (audience) and the sizes of rooms (the greatest possible size of the image); - achievement of the maximum size of the image is the most effective when using projectors, but thus on optical parameters of the image (brightness, contrast ...) projectors considerably concede to television displays; - the resource of operation of projective systems in the present is lower, than at television displays (except for LPD) that considerably increases expenses on operation of data of projective systems, but thus systems on the basis of projectors are more the vandal steady; - when comparing different types of television displays (including and projective) now LCD (ZhKI) displays with LED illumination (LCD/LED) have the greatest advantages. But in the near future at the expense of the best operational characteristics, the technology of organic LED matrixes (OLED, PLED) becomes prevailing technology of mass production. Television projective LPD displays can be considered only as intermediate technology; - amateur projectors have permission 1920 x 1080 that is necessary for reception of land and satellite telecasting of a high definition (HDTV). The professional projectors necessary in systems of collective access, are issued now with the resolution from 2048×1080 and above, and, are generally executed on technology 3DLP (with three micro mirror DMD modulators) and equipped powerful by the xenon lamps.
Pages: 53-63
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