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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Radars of airborne early warning and control systems
V. Verba, A. Vasil-yev, V. Merkulov, V. Chernov
It is now one of the most effective means of intelligence air and ground targets are manned aircraft systems Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW & C and Y), representing aviation management information systems at the various planes of intelligence and control. As cited in the article discusses the application of materials and tasks AK manned AWACS and Y are analyzed design principles and technical characteristics of the radar systems are specified prospects. On the basis of the information it was concluded that the current AK AWACS and have achieved a high degree of excellence and make a significant contribution to the organization of the fighting forces of their countries. Further development of AWACS radar AK and have focused on improving their efficiency, noise immunity and vitality and is held in several directions. This transition to a large and conformal phased array to lower operating frequencies of radar to improve the airborne signal and data processing, the use of passive detection of targets, to enhance immunity and secrecy of communications, for use in on-board equipment of fiber optics and optoelectronics. In addition, further improvement of the AK AWACS radar and Y is in the direction of a significant expansion of their functionality, achieving a high level of information, improve the quality and intelligent automation, integration with other avionics aircraft, ensuring operation in multiposition radar systems and complexes protection of aircraft, a radical increase in the role of digital media.
Pages: 3-16
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