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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Receiver of ultrawideband chaotic radiopulses based on orthogonal signal set
chaotic signal
ultrawideband chaotic radiopulses
quadrature receiver
non-coherent receiver
wireless ultrawideband communications
ultrawideband receiver
ultrawideband receiver of chaotic radiopulses
L.V. Kuzmin
It was proposed new scheme of receiver of ultrawideband chaotic radiopulses by means of the orthogonal signal set. It was shown that this possibility deals with properties of chaotic signals as a signals produced by deterministic dynamical system with finite number of freedom. Theoretical description of proposed procedure of signal basis design was written. An example of orthogonal signal set design on the basis of the chaotic signal generated by chaotic oscillator with ring structure was outlined. Statistical properties of proposed method was evaluated. It was established that performance of this method in the AWGN channel is identical to the performance of quadratic-in-law detector receiver.
Pages: 90-98
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