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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Design of piezoelectric transducers for acousto-optic devices
O.V. Shakin, A.S. Bygaev, R.A. Khansuvarov
Acousto-optic device are used in various signal processing systems and laser radiation controlling systems. These systems allow the wideband signals processing in real-time and high-speed laser beam scanning. The main technical difficulties caused by technological problems of its production, such as attaching the piezoelectric transducer for efficient excitation of acoustic waves in crystals in the range of 100-1000 MHz. In this range there usually use a lithium niobate crystal plates as the active piezoelectric excitation of longitudinal waves or shear waves, and thin films of zinc oxide there usually use for the higher-frequency acousto-optic devices. In this paper, dependences of electromechanical coupling coefficient for different slices of a lithium niobate crystals are calculated. They illustrate the validity of selecting the appropriate cut for the piezoelectric transducer for the excitation of longitudinal waves and shear waves in acousto-optic cells. Also, these dependences determines the criteria for the accuracy of the technological requirements for the piezoelectric plate transducers constructing.
Pages: 148-151
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