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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Two-dimensional acousto-optic deflectors for information and telecommunication systems
V.V. Kludzin, S.V. Kulakov, L.N. Preslenev, V.P. Semenkov, O.V. Shakin
The problems of optimal control by space position of laser beams must be decided for commutation of optical flows in telecommunication systems and forming of information fields for laser systems of orientation and navigation. The most perspective methods of deflection of optical beams are acousto-optic ones. Acousto-optic methods of deflection of laser beams are possessed enlarged accuracy of position and are realized by two-dimension forms with independent systems of control on each coordinate. Parameters and potential characteristics of two-dimension deflectors are analyzed. Using collimating directions in crystals possessed enlarge value of parameter kN (product optical transmission on resolvable number). The control signals bandwidth of diffraction response of two-dimensional deflectors is smaller one for traditional device. Parameters and potential characteristics of two-dimension deflectors are analyzed. New structures of two-dimension acousto-optic deflectors by using strong acoustic anisotropy a few crystals are proposed. Experimental results are represented. Peculiarities of acousto-optic devices of space position of laser beams control which combines small optical losses, large information capability and small dimensions are selected.
Pages: 135-139
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