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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Electronic and information tools for physiological and medical research
K.V. Zaichenko
Today there is no doubt that the task of developing tools for breakthrough research in physiology and medicine should formulate fundamental biologists, physiologists and physicians together with the basic and applied natural sciences and engineering. To address them effectively requires organization and coordination of such interaction. To address these issues, since 1989 SUAI working group of scientists and engineers, is presently being following scientific problems. 1. Development of a unique tool based on the achievements of electronic and information technology for thin physiological studies to provide previously unknown results in the physiology and basic medicine. 2. Development of concepts and techniques for the detection and study of the fine structure of signals of bioelectrical activity of cells, tissues and organs of living systems against various noise and interference. 3. Development of hardware, algorithms and software for processing of bioelectrical signals in extended amplitude and frequency ranges. To solve these problems with the use of scientific achievements of modern electronics and computer science has developed principles, techniques and tools for primary processing of bioelectric signals. The synthesis and processing of data obtained using the developed principles, techniques and tools, providing new essential attributes and relationships can develop more advanced knowledge on a new basis with an expanded set of input and output characteristics, and further development of appropriate techniques and tools to create and support knowledge base systems and expert systems for medicine and telemedicine applications in biophysics and electrophysiology with subsequent possibility of self in relation to the clinical, diagnostic and prognostic significance of the results. Work with these data will clarify the nature of biophysicists and more detailed investigation of the statistical properties of micropotential wells electrical activity of cells, tissues and organs, to detect and identify new diagnostic signs of disease, including the early stages.
Pages: 107-112
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