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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The television systems of the road monitoring
B.S. Timofeev, A.A. Motyko
The television systems are used for the road monitoring and traffic control. The most important parameter of the traffic flow is the speed of cars. In the most cases the speed is measured by radars or laser range finders. The obvious disadvantage of that approach is the disconnection between the measure of speed and the image of the vehicle. The maintenance of television system gets harder because of additional equipment. For that reason the using of video measurement in television systems is most effective. The paper proposes the classification of measurers by the number of video sensors: one-sensor measurers, stereo-measurers and multi sensor systems. The paper presents a method of one-sensor measuring in which the speed is calculated, by using the data of the size of the projection of vehicle. The speed is defined based on the number of frames for which the projection of the vehicle has reached a given magnification. The paper describes the basic principles for determining the velocity of an object with two stereo cameras and with the multi-sensory system and shows the accuracy of the measurements. The problems of coordination, internal and external camera calibration of multi-sensory television systems are explained. In the conclusion there are summarizing of features and disadvantages of different kinds of video measurers of the speed of vehicles. Multi-sensory systems provide better results for monitoring in harsh conditions, but the one-sensor systems are more easily in maintenance, calibration and configuration.
Pages: 84-92
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