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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Radar warning systems of aircraft collisions when approaching head-on and removal
M.B. Ryzhikov
There is a need to install special autonomous collision avoidance systems for small aircrafts. Systems need to alert the flight crew of the danger of collision with another aircraft without the air traffic control system. This article examined the possibility of the use of compact pulsed radar as this system. Radar used to detect radiation with eight millimeter wavelength and pulses with average repetition rate. The relations and the results of mathematical simulation can more accurately assess the detection range by influence backscattering from ground surface. The proposed ratio is better than approximate calculations. By calculating the distance and mathematical simulation necessary to consider the knowledge about the structure of scattering radiation from ground at the plane «space-frequency». The influence of backscattering from ground surface show a decrease of the detection range. Estimated parameters of the radar showed the feasibility of using a pulsed radar with an average pulse repetition frequency to predict collision of aircraft in the airspace.
Pages: 24-28
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