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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Integrated filters of HF and VHF ranges realization issues with up-to-date materials
T.S. Khrolenko - Design Engineer, JSC «Omsk research institute of instrument engineering». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
A.I. Tyumentsev - Head Sector, JSC «Omsk research institute of instrument engineering». E-mail: info@oniip.ru
One of the tendencies of up-to-date REE development is the integration level increase. It leads to necessity of all its compo¬nents miniaturization, including devices of signal frequency selection. One of perspective ways of this issue solution is fre¬quency filters creation, especially those, which are purposed for operation in VHF band, as 3D integrated structures what are intended for work in the microwave oven - a range, in the form of three-dimensional integrated structures. The greatest interest out of integrated filters, is devices, which are executed on concentrated elements as in comparison with the quasi-concentrated and distributed elements, allow to provide the best electric parameters, e.g. attenuation level in a distant zone. As a rule, such filters represent the multilayered structures executed out of various dielectric material, in the layers of which printing coils of inductance and capacitors are located. Key parameters of modern materials which can find application at integrated filters manufacturing, are considered. The basic criteria of filters elements constructions choice executed as on the basis of multilayer printed circuit board with traditional materials application (PCB) and liquid crystal polymers (LCP), and on the basis of LTCC technology are resulted, and also their pros and cons are given. The comparative analysis of the prototypes, executed on different technologies is carried out. Recommendations about filters designing depending on filter type and operating frequencies band taking into account materials parameters, are made.
Pages: 23-28

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