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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Information support satellites assured by successive development
N.A. Testoyedov, V.E. Kosenko, V. Popov, V.D. Zvonar?, V.E. Chebotarev, A.V. Yakovlev
The report contains information related to communication, navigation, and geodesy satellites designed by the JSC - Academician M. F. Reshetven "Information Satellite Systems" over 50 year period. Methodology principles of satellites successive evolution are represented, considering technical decisions and technology and assuring satellite4s novelty. Implementation of such principles allowed to create the satellite family ranked by their type and dimensions with deliberately chosen differences between neighbouring satellites. It was been resulted in two satellite design trends, which are unified S/C series with monoblock structure as well as unified series of modular space platforms, both with sealed and unsealed instrumentation module. Developed methodology allowed to design 30 satellite types based on 19 space platforms ranked by their type and dimensions, and manufacture about 1200 communicaton, geodesy, and navigation satellites, that axxured the implementation of the space program for information support of civil and military users in Russia since 1962. Six unified unsealed space platforms were designed for prospective information support satellites being rather sufficient to solve numerous tasks using informaton support satellites.
Pages: 111-117
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