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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Object angle orientation estimation via radionavigational signals of space vehicles on the premeditated broadband noise impact
V.N. Tyapkin
Modern receiving indicators of global satellite systems have a serious disadvantage - low degree of noise protectability. Goniometric systems of satellite navigation are based on the application of multi antenna interferometers (antenna arrays). Therefore the task of goniometric system creation with the functions of spatial noise selection on the basis of the same antenna system seems to be rather perspective. To suppress noise the signals from all antennas are subjected to weighted summation, then free of noise single signal is processed. For spatial orientation measuring it is required to measure the incoming signal phase shifts received by different antennas. One of the ways of noise-resistant goniometric system realization is to apply the channels of this goniometric system as additional channels for suppressing noise. Additional antennas are used for spatial noise selection in the main (measuring) interferometer antennas. However in the process of noise suppressing the wanted signal phase is changed. In different interferometer antennas the additional phase shift will be different depending on antennas positional relationship and the direction of incoming noise. As a result of phase shifts falsification in the process of noise suppressing the information about spatial orientation is falsified and measurements become impossible. The way to solve this problem is to correct the measured phase shifts using the information about the noise system suppression parameters. The weight coefficients used in the noise suppression system are known so there is the possibility to restore the initial phase relationship and thus to measure spatial orientation. The results of the research show that when properly processed the phase relationship between interferometer antennas are restored without any systematic errors.
Pages: 100-106
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