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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Measurement of angular orientation of rotating object
satellite radio navigational systems
the interferometer
phase shift
a spin axis deviation from a vertical
Yu.L. Fateev, E.N. Garin, D.D. Dmitriev
The radionavigating systems GLONASS/GPS are successfully applied to topographical binding of mobile objects. With the help of the equipment GLONASS/GPS it is possible to define not only current coordinates, but also orientation of building axes of object. Accommodation of radionavigating antennas directly on the rotating aerial of a radar and measurement of the current azimuth of the antennas and deviation of an axis of rotation of the antennas from a vertical is of interest. The control of an axis by the antenna during work will allow to increase accuracy of the radar-tracking system, and also to reduce loading by the rotary mechanism at the expense of correction of an axis of rotation.
At definition of parameters of orientation of rotating object it is convenient to apply dynamic methods of measurement of angular orientation [1]. The basic advantage of dynamic methods is that it is methods, in which it is not required to eliminate phase ambiguity.
On change of a difference of phases it is possible to calculate a trajectory of a vector - base. On points of a trajectory it is possible to calculate a rule of an axis of rotation and size of angular speed, and current rule to calculate in a plane of rotation.
Is shown, that the error of measurement of a direction of an axis of rotation decreases with growth of length of base and angular speed.
The results of research show, that has a place threshold effect, i.e. the minimal speed of rotation, at which occurs complete failure of work of algorithm. As the axis of rotation is from vector product of vectors - changes of coordinates of the antenna, the direction of a resulting vector depends on a corner between vectors which are included in product. If the corner changes a mark, and the calculated vector of rotation also will change a mark on, opposite.
At length of a shoulder 2 m, RMS of measurement of a trajectory of 5 mm, and rate of measurements 1 sec, we shall receive the minimal speed 0,5 rev/min.
The restriction on speed of rotation can be lowered, by applying a filtration. As the vector of angular speed changes rather slowly, it is possible to filter components of a vector and thus to raise accuracy of measurements. Thus the minimal speed will be less. It is enough to apply to a filtration of a vector of angular speed the Kalman of the 1-st order. The results of research show, that at base (length of a shoulder) 1 м and speed of rotation 5-10 rev/min the error of a deviation of an axis of rotation from a vertical makes 2-4 angular minutes.
Pages: 69-74
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