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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Economic methods of a high-precision synchronization spatially-diverse of generators of not transmitting measuring stations for a system GLONASS
A.V. Grebennikov, F.V. Zander, A.S. Kondratiev, I.N. Sushkin, Yu.G. Hazagarov
The development of a system GLONASS assumes creation, development and maintaining in a up state of a web of not transmitting measuring stations. To problems with the soluble not transmitting measuring stations, concern, in particular, duly definition of deviations on frequency of a signal of each GLONASS satellite, informing about it of control center for realization of a correction or decision making about malfunction and elimination of a signal of the given companion for want of solution of navigational problems. Not the acceptance of a duly solution can essential be reflected in the consumers of a navigational information, to reduce in failures, emergencies etc. Thus, the problem of realization of a high-precision synchronization of two deleted generators of the not transmitting measuring stations with deriving of significances of errors close to a potential exactitude of reproduction by an equipment of the not transmitting measuring stations of a basic time scale and shaping of frequency for want of to work on a fixed point with known coordinates on a signal of one GLONASS satellite, equal 5 ns and accordingly is actual. Basis of realization of a deleted synchronization is the differential method of an evaluation of a modification of second time frames on a phase of a carrier frequency for the GLONASS satellite radioseen simultaneously in the location of the measurement standard and in an installation site of the not transmitting measuring stations. For want of it there is no influence of instability of the onboard standard of frequency, but there is a necessity of the account of influence ionosphere and troposphere of errors, effect of a duplication of signals, error purely of measurements of time frames and instability of the standard of frequency at the not transmitting measuring stations. In case as the standard standard of frequency the standard of frequency of other not transmitting measuring stations will act, earlier attorney under the secondary measurement standard of time and frequency, the deleted synchronization and generators of those not transmitting measuring stations is possible, which have not radio visibility of the same GLONASS satellite with a place of a determination of the secondary measurement standard of time and frequency. Thus, the full deleted synchronization all spatially-diverse of standards of frequency from structure of the not transmitting measuring stations with required periodicity without their dismantle, carriage both other labor-consuming and wasteful measures with preservation of serviceability of the not transmitting measuring stations and with absence of interruptions in work is possible. Basic in essence that fact is, that the use of phase measurements executed simultaneously on two not transmitting measuring stations, allows to evaluate a residual of frequencies of basic generators established on them with an error at a level on an interval 100 seconds. The use of all population of the methods, stated in the article, of the account, calibration and correction of various component errors, and also use of the certain rules for want of checking of frequency of the generator of the not transmitting measuring stations with the measurement standard, allows to realize in a created web of the not transmitting measuring stations for a system GLONASS a mode of an effective, high-precision and economic synchronization of basic generators under the secondary measurement standard of time and frequency with errors close to potential.
Pages: 51-58
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