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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear Parametrical Zone Converters Working in Higher Zones of Instability Electromagnetic Oscillations. (Review of Principles of Action, Projects and Application)
L.V. Cherkesova
Modern development of land and onboard (on ships, aviation, space, etc.) radio-electronic equipment (REE) in the XXI-st century attracts behind itself necessity of projecting and working out of devices of new generations with new principles of action, with the increased speed and the improved characteristics. However, as is known, often some new is well forgotten old. In equipment of broadcasting, radio communication, radio navigation, a radar-location, radio astronomy, telecommunications, the computer techniques, hydro acoustics, etc., for a long time are applied magnetic nonlinear parametrical zone converters both optical, and radio-frequency ranges. They find application as generators, amplifiers, comparators, modulators-and-demodulators, etc., and also multiplying, differentiating, remembering, etc. devices. A number of qualities inherent in parametrical elements and devices, allows them to compete to semi-conductor schemes successfully. Earlier similar converters which basis is the nonlinear resonator - nonlinear parametrical zone (pazone) system (NPS), functioned in the field of harmonious oscillations - on the basic harmonic (in the first zone of instability), on subharmonics and on various combinational frequencies. Researches of the higher zones of instability, after criticism from academician L.I. Mandelshtam in 30-th years of the XX-th century, until now practically were not spent, since are connected with necessity of bulky calculations. This direction of a radio engineering and radio electronics is forgotten till now very undeservedly, though with development of computer facilities the problem of bulkiness of calculations became quite solved, and many technical possibilities which it could give, have been earlier actually missed. However last researches prove, that practically in all physical systems connected with oscillatory processes, the higher zones of instability of oscillations and ultraharmonious oscillations are observed. Thus actually any physical system which is a basis of radio-electronic techniques, possesses to some extent nonlinearity and dissipativity (that is presence of the losses leading to attenuation of oscillations), and asymmetry (nonentity of parameters of internal elements of system). Therefore research of these factors and working out of radio-electronic devices with the improved characteristics on the basis of NPS, working in the higher zones of instability of electromagnetic oscillations, rather actually also is on an edge of researches of all scientific world. In many cases it is expedient to use nonlinear parametrical zone converters working in the higher zones of instability, as their speed that above, than above the zone in which they function. We will consider principles of work of some developed devices on the basis of NPS. The advantages of the converters executed based on NPS, working in the higher zones of instability it is possible to see in comparison with the similar devices working on subharmonics, combinational frequencies or in the first zone of instability. Offered converters at phase shifts of the channels equal 90°, 120°, 240°, allow increasing the speed accordingly in 147 times, 73 times and 37 times. Thus, even using already existing technologies with ferromagnetics, it is possible to create the ultra fast devices, making ten millions operations a second. Application of modern technologies nanoelectronics, thin flat magnetic films, cylindrical magnetic domains, superlattices, etc., will give the chance to increase speed of transformation in nonlinear parametrical zone system by some usages (from units to hundreds billions operations a second). Described above radio-frequency nonlinear parametrical zone converters working in the higher zones of instability of electromagnetic oscillations, possess a number of advantages (reliability, the low cost price, ability to work in adverse conditions, etc.). In comparison with the similar devices working on subharmonics, combinational frequencies or in the first zone of instability, they have higher speed.
Pages: 28-37
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