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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Тhe Stabilizing converter of mains voltage for power supplies of low-frequency pulse periodic loading
V.A. Yesin, Yu.Yu. Leskovich, S.V. Nikulin
In article one of structures of construction of the stzbilizing converter of single-phase mains voltage with active power factor correction (APFC) for power supplies of low-frequency pulse periodic loading is considered.
It is underlined that known structures of construction of sources of secondary power supplies (SSPS) with use of converters with APFC allow to provide high factor (more than 98%) capacities only at work on constant loading. In this case APFC forms high-frequency charging current impulses of the memory condenser, which average value during the period d=of the generator of impulses pulse-width modulator (PWM) it is equal to value of a current of loading. As a result of entrance current SSPS it is continuous, has almost sinusoidal form. However at work known converters with APFC pass to pulse low-frequency periodic loading in a pulse operating mode. It is connected by that during a loading impulse there is a pressure deviation of the memory condenser on value more the static. As a result of the entrance amplifier of a signal of a mismatch of a chain of feedback APFC passes in a mode of saturation and causes formation greatest possible current charging impulses of the memory condenser and inductance. During a pause current loadings there is an accelerated charge of the memory condenser to pressure of a static deviation. Further there is a pressure increase at the condenser to pressure of idling to reduction charging current impulses to minimum possible values.
It is offered for maintenance at the necessary average level charging current impulses of the memory condenser at work on low-frequency pulse periodic loading to enter inertial knot of automatic adjustment charging current impulses of the memory condenser. The inertial knot supervises average value current pressure on the memory condenser taking into account pulsations and forms a signal which the inverting input of the output amplifier of an error between pressure of the analog multiplier and the gage current charging impulses influences on an exit. As a result the inertial knot is translated by the error amplifier in a linear mode at which continuous formation charging current impulses with average value corresponding to average value of pulse loading is provided. the block diagram of inertial dnot and its communication with knots APFC is resulted. Practical results of the source of secondary power supplies of the transistor maplifier of capacity developed on the offered block diagram are presented
Pages: 22-26
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