350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Researches of properties of modulating functions from the nonharmonic carrying
A.V. Kuzovnikov, A.L. Deryabin
In article the actual problem of forming of noise-immune signals is considered. The analysis of the most widespread ways of forming of broad-band signals is carried out. Use as modulating nonharmonic carrying in the form of vejvlet-function is shown, that, allows to increase width of a strip of a spectrum of a signal. The carried out analysis has allowed to define experimentally wavelet -function type most effectively expanding a signal spectrum at the fixed length pseudorandom sequence (PS) is wavelet Shannon. Influence of additive and multiplicate hindrances on BPSK - a signal and a signal modulated by wavelet -function is considered. Results of research have shown, that (W) ШПС signals practically are not susceptible to influence of additive narrow-band hindrances and keep the structure at influence of multiplicate hindrances. At the same time PSK BBS the signal owing to narrower width of a strip is subject to stronger negative influence of hindrances.
Pages: 47-52
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