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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Use of infra-red and ultra-violet ranges in videotelemetry for tracking temperature parameters space vehicles
D.I. Klimov, V.A. Blagodyryov
Use of videocameras for measurement and the control of temperature over space vehicle is offered. Measurement of temperature is carried out by a video shooting, transfer of the information on the telemetering channel on ground reception telemetering station and processing on the specialized workplace by means of comparison of a color palette of object with a matrix of light radiations. The generalized block diagram of system of the videotelemetry, including the onboard equipment and station of ground processing is resulted. The description of system is given and principles of its functioning are resulted. The algorithm of measurement of temperature in a considered method is based on averaging of brightness in each point of a field of the image on number of the staff for a second with the further application of the law of Planck for calculation of length of a wave and brightly temperatures. Further, according to the entrance parameters describing a material of considered object and specificity of a videocamera, the temperature in a point of a field of the image, chosen by the operator is calculated also. About one today in practice the given methods practically are not used as in our country, and abroad. On the given subjects practically there are no publications, but the set of skilled - experimental works nevertheless is carried out and the theoretical base and methods of measurement is on a regular basis updated. It testifies that the given direction of researches actually, is new and perspective on the following number of the reasons, with reference to telemetering systems: - Reduction of length of connecting cables; - Absence of numerous temperature gauges; - Conducting regional continuous measurement of temperature and supervision over its change instead of dot measurement from gauges that allows to trace distribution of temperature on a surface of considered object. It is necessary to note, that measurement of temperature parameters by means of videotelemetry does not demand detailed consideration of the image, and the initial videoimage received from videocameras, with the purpose of further its transfer to the Earth it is supposed to subject to processing with rather high factor of compression (100 - 150). Lacks of the given approach to measurement of temperature are: - Sensitivity videocameras to vibrations; - High requirements to accuracy of installation on object in view of specificity of optics of the chamber. Feature of the suggested method consists that in offered area of review videocameras of space vehicle in any point the operator finds out temperature as required in a mode of real time.
Pages: 22-26
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