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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Elementary unbalanced sections of bandpass filters equivalent to symmetric bridge structures
A.I. Tyumentsev, A.N. Yakovlev, I.M. Yasinsky
In the point-to-point radio communication hardware band pass LC filters are fairly widely used. They are used as frequency selective circuits of radio receivers input equipment, tunable preselector, IF filters, to form channels frequency characteristics of the multi-channel transmitter-receivers, etc. Within the characteristic parameters theory band pass filters can be synthesized by cascade connection of low-pass and high-pass filters constant K type, as well as their transformation into series or parallel filters of derived type m. In some cases, the method of frequency conversion (e.g. reactance), allowing to obtain band pass circuit of the famous family of low-frequency prototype models is used. All these solutions form a number of different schemes, of which in each case the most appropriate version (per totality of demands to the filter) is chosen. At the same time, available schematics are not always suitable for the design of a number of filters. In this regard, it is useful to search for new circuit design. In this work it is proposed to synthesize ladder structure bandpass networks, transforming the original elementary units of bandpass filter prototypes of symmetrical bridge type into unbalanced ones, and thus extend the range of application of the ladder-type bandpass filters.
Pages: 71-77
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