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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
High speed serial modem with iterative signal processing
iterative signal processing
intersymbol interference compensation
communication channel estimator
MSE minimum criterion
iterative demodulation algorithm with BICM-ID
Log-MAP decoder
N.S. Budvis, N.P. Khmyrova
The article reviews the methods of construction of equalizer high speed modems and serial-type iterative signal processing methods.
The main types of equalizers are linear equalizer, equalizer with decision feedback equalizer with compensation of inter-symbol interference.
Methods for increasing the spectral efficiency of digital communication systems, based on a coherent combination of noise immunity coding and discrete multi-position modulation are reviewed.
The possibilities of the use of iterative methods applied in the turbo coding, the modem signal processing algorithms are analyzed.
A model of serial modem with iterative demodulation algorithm of BICM-ID signals and iterative alignment and assessment of THEIR communication channel is described. The results of error-rate performance of a modem, obtained by computer simulation, for different lengths of the block interleaving and different mappings of information bits at constellation points 8-PSK are performed. The noise immunity curves for a constant parameters channel and fading dual-beam channel are given.
Pages: 7-18
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