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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Peculiarities of organizing computational process in on-board computer systems based on digital-platform design
F. S. Vlasov, S. V. Arkusskaya, A. A. Terekhov
Computational process is organized with Information Transporting Service System (ITSS).
The functions of ITSS are:
1) ruling computational process and communications;
2) controlling hardware operability during all stages of its lifecycle;
3) providing resiliency and reliable functioning of the system;
4) providing technological facilities for desinging and debugging software;
5) software verification on earth-based quality-control stations.
The following aims were pointed during the design of the structure of computational process in controlling systems of a spacecraft:
1) providing the guaranteed strict real-time;
2) possible re-usage of already developed software for similar systems;
3) increasing the hardware-independency;
4) a possibility to reconfigure the system;
5) an ability of the system to function either in RTOS environment, or separately without any OS;
6) lowering the cost of software design, modification, support and maintainance.
We choose blackboard systems as a basis of our system. The main elements in computational process organization are:
- network objects database
- control-flows (each software component is functioning in the control-flow mode). A control-flow is a unit of multi-program control;
- drivers (software components which interact with I/O devices);
- controlling program.
Pages: 71-79
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