350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Representation of abstract objects in the knowledge base
S. S. Kurbatov
In article the general logic of representation of any abstract objects in the knowledge base formed in the automated mode in basic by the scanning of natural language texts of encyclopaedic character is offered. The hierarchy of abstract objects is isolated automatically by allocation of the basic concept of a noun phrase describing an input in article, and the subsequent search of this concept as new input in encyclopaedia article. Special abstract objects (mathematical formulas) for which the logic of their processing and communication with material objects is developed are chosen. The automated mode assumes a number of the iterations interrupted with the analysis of automatically generated representations and addition/updating heuristics, texts used at scanning. Differences of a developed campaign from the standard analysis which is carried out by systems of structurization of the big corpus are noted. The approach is positioned in the general scheme of processing of natural language texts in decision-making systems. In an experimental variant it is executed program realisations of offered decisions. Tool level of realisation - language 4GL for relational database Progress.
Pages: 32-35
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